Partner Search
Find the right partner
Finding the right partner can be a time-consuming task and with limited company resources available, the task is extremely taxing. In addition, discretion and a level of secrecy can add an extra layer of complexity. The use of third-party professionals therefore becomes not only warranted but essential. Whatever the reasons, we help you find the right partners.
Networking tools and partnering conferences
Biotechgate Digital Partnering is designed to support the business development & licensing of Pharma, Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health companies.
At Venture Valuation, we leverage our global network, our own Biotechgate database and our own Biotechgate digital partnering conferences (run by our company-owned HelloPartnering platform. Which specifically designed for life sciences conferences and matchmaking). At our Biotechgate Digital Partnering events, taking place up to four times a year, we can connect you with some of the over 1,000 delegates -attending every conference, representing leading life science companies from over 60 countries.
The Biotechgate Business Development Database is a global BD&L platform covering over 65,000 companies including information about their assets, clinical trials, financing rounds, licensing activities and key management.
Biotechgate Digital Partnering is designed to support the business development & licensing of Pharma, Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health companies.
The ideal solution for partnering events: A conference and matchmaking platform for onsite, virtual or hybrid conferences.
Partner search for in-licensing
We support our clients in finding the right partner for their business. Our partner identification process contains a three-step approach tailored to your needs, where you can choose the level of support you require.